Thanks again to all those who have provided answers to my questions for my upcoming trip. If possible, I'll use my Blackberry to provide a quick update otherwise by Sunday night I should be able to post something.
I am leaving tonight about Midnight and hoping to sleep well on the plane. I'll arrive in Ontario at 10 am tomorrow morning. We are going to head to Mammoth and take the tram to the top to hangout some tomorrow. At some point on Thursday, we will leave Mammoth and head to Lone Pine and begin our hike late Thursday night. The goal is once again to be done well before noon on Friday.
I know the schedule and lack of acclimization is not ideal but its the best plan we could come up with. I will also begin taking Diamox this afternoon with 125 mgs twice daily. Other than that I am hoping for as much sleep/rest as possible, I will proactively focus on deep breathing during the hike, I will stay well hydrated including heavy hydration tomorrow all day. We are also well prepared for very cold or windy weather although the forecast looks great.
So that is it. I've changed a few minor factors from the first attempt and hope the outcome is different this time.