Hello, this here is my trip report for my Whitney ascent.
I arrived in Lone Pine on Saturday.
I had initially booked a stay at the Best Western but they had "overbooked" (whatever that means) and I had no room (expletive deleted). Thankfully, the Comfort Inn down the road had plenty of vacancy.
On Sunday, I drove up to Horseshoe meadow (thanks SteveC for the tip) for a little acclimatization hike. Started at 6:30 and went up Mulkey pass, then Trail pass and finally Cottonwood. Weather started acting up so I headed down to my car. Made it back at Noon sharp.
On Monday, I drove up to HM again. Started at 5am and went up Cottonwood pass to Cirque. Exactly as I was told on the BBoard, pretty easy hike as long as you don't mind the scrambling part near the top. Was wearing my trail runners so yes, I rolled my ankle. Twice. Glad I brought my boots. Made it back to my car around 1pm.
Monday night went to bed at 6pm and woke up at 1am.
Tuesday. Started at 2am at the portal with 3 liters of water, one quart of Gatorade, a bag of salted almonds, poncho and wag bag.
Starry night and a moon sliver was beautiful. Uneventful climb until Trailside Meadow. Got there just in time for sunrise. Made the mistake of looking up...and saw the tiny dots heading up the 97 switchbacks. Yikes.
Made it to Trail Crest at 9am. The view was amazing. That part of the trail coming down was nasty. Silt and rain had made it slippery as heck. Breathing got really hard at that point but no headache or nausea. Met two idiots near the first needle, one sprawled across the trail puking and the other one egging him one to keep going. Told that guy if he cared about his buddy, they should head down now. They ignored me.
I pushed on past the 2nd and 3rd needle and made it to the top at 11:30am. Took a few pics, ate a snack and headed down at 11:45am.
Weather got bad quick. Neared Trail Crest in the clouds. Headed down the switchbacks with hail, wind, thunder and lightning. Trail became a river of mud. I seeked shelter behind a boulder but got cold quick so I decided to keep pushing til I reached the treeline.
By the time I got to Lone Pine lake, weather had cleared up. I kept going. I got back to my car at 5:10pm.
Ate a massive bacon cheeseburger at the Portal store. Felt darn good.
Water strategy: drank 3 sips from Camel back every 5 minutes. Worked for me.
Food strategy: ate little during the ascent. From Sunday to Monday, ate like pig. Chips, cookies, bread, beer, burgers, pasta, you name it.
Footwear: wear boots. You'll be glad you did.
Exercise plan: I run 5K three times a week.
There you have it.

Ps: Nature called at 14,000 feet. Boy, it was cold.