We (three 56 year olds and four "kids" ages 23-30) made our first attempt of the Mt Whitney day hike on Aug 6. We started at 1:30AM under a bright moon - the moonlight reflecting off the cliffs was amazing. We made steady progress until Trail Camp when one of the group turned back due to AMS. He was the only one not on AMS meds. At Trail Camp, we ran into a 70 year old Japanese hiker that was just completing a solo hike of the JMT!
The switch backs up to Trail Crest wiped me out physically, but I did get a second wind mentally when I made Trail Crest! I was still very tired all along Trail Crest (took me three hours) but I did make it to the top! Met up with the five remaing group members and we headed down. Although it was the same trail that we were on in the morning, it looked different as we went down in bright sunlight.
Doug T gave us some advice "go slow and easy". We were successful on the slow part but missed the easy part. We had 6 of 7 reach the top and back. We were all very tired but very happy and pleased. We all agreed that we would never do it again but by the next morning, after pancakes, we were starting to change our minds.
While the hike itself was unforgettable, listening to all the stories at the Portal was very inspirational. We met two sisters (12 and 14 years old) that completed the entire JMT. Met a woman that completed a solo JMT hike - lots of positive energy at the Portal,
Thanks for all the very useful info!
Bay Area Doug