I've only disinfected an XP computer once, so I'm no expert.
The guy here who helps students with infected machines couldn't work on mine, since I'm in Fresno, and he's in SF. So he directed me to UBCD4WIN. It's a web site and message board of people who work on or help people do what you need to do.
Here's the thread where I sought help and reported my results:
Newbie questions: Vista, Burning, Slipstream Read my last post in that thread.
I first had to find the system disk for an XP (I think), and use that along with software from UBCD4WIN = "Ultimate Boot CD 4 Windows" to create a clean boot disk with some utilities to clean the virus off the system. (I created the boot CD using my Vista laptop.)
But the process also involved downloading, installing and running several virus cleanup programs, too. And even then, they did not clean off the virus -- it was a step ahead of the latest software.
So then I found a forum where someone told another person how to do a HijackThis. It takes a snapshot of all the programs running in the system.
Anyway, I was able to then identify the odd several virus files that were still hiding on the computer and remove them.
Sorry, it's been several years since I did that, so I don't recall everything very well. But it was a very tedious and time consuming process, and I did it sort of for the experience, or maybe because I'm a masochist. You might want to take it into a computer repair shop and let them deal with it.
And IF you don't have any valuable files on it, let them just clean off the hard drive and re-install XP. That would be the easiest repair.
Good luck!