Hylton, would love to have you!
Currently, we have a trip scheduled for Oct for that area:
I'm currently scheduled to be the leader of that trip, which we've put off twice. We'll probably stay in the vicinity of Dutch John Meadows, on the Haiwee Pass Trail lateral.
In fact, you're welcome on any trip, they're fun, and free.
http://www.trailcrew.org/forum4/October 2011
Start Date October 1
End Date October 9
Project Name - PCT Trail Kennedy Meadow
Event Type - Backpacking only
Limited to 15 volunteers
Project location; PCT Trail from Kennedy Meadows north to the Inyo National Forest Boundary arrive at trail head on a Friday or Saturday and have the supplies and equipment packed up to the USFS approved base camp location. The following day we will begin trail work and work to the following weekend departing on Sunday
Project description:
1. This project is for trail maintenance on the PCT trail has not received managed trail maintenance in the past several years, and is in need of trail tread and drainage work, and clearing of downed trees
2. Brush trail four feet out from center line.
3. Repair and clean existing water bars
4. GPS existing water bars
5. Install new water bars if needed
6. With the use of cross cut saws remove any fallen trees that are impeding trail conditions for hikers.