I'm feeling the same way. With two lottery trips in the bag, I'm looking to accomplish two summits. One over nighter, and one day trip.
I'm really pumped about the September day trip, because the September full moon lands on our day to hit the trail. I'm thinking we'll get a little extra early start and travel by moon light. That should be a lot of fun.
One day I'd like to hike the entire John Muir Trail and not leave a single footprint. -Randy Morgenson
Odd that I'm just hearing about this for the first time. I thought I was the duty Sherpa for your summit bid? I know at least one Scout who is interested. Depending on dates/permits I could put together a whole team to assist. I think my success rate is right at 100%.
You know as soon as I get plans firmed up that you're going to be the first that I'll call DUG... you going to want to camp with us or hike up to meet us at Trail Camp on summit day?