Bee & Steve C., Thanks for clarifying that it probably wasn't the water from the portal faucets. I had been drinking bottle water since Sun (9/19). I'm still experiencing the GI issue and will be calling the Dr. on Monday. I'm thinking any food poisoning would be cleared out of my system by now.

QS & Bulldog, Thanks for the support. You guys are the best! I'm not going to even think of attempting a Whitney summit this year until my GI issue is resolved. But, if the GI issues does clear up, the snow holds off, and a overnight permit over a weekend is available, I might seriously pack everything in the car and head up.

lynn-a-roo, You are right. If I hadn't run into Dave and his hallucinations, I probably would have kept hiking uphill. I may have been close to Mirror Lake about 3am, and that's when I was at the portal for one of the worst episodes of the night.

wagga, how do you find these things?? I wish I had a iPood. It may have helped in trying to clean up the mess I left.