Lions Club article:
Lions Club Enjoys Mt. Whitney Travelogue
Monday evening was the regular Lions Club Ladies Night meeting at The Shamrock. About sixty members and guests were served a delicious roast chicken dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henly and two daughters, of Jacksonville, were guests of honor. Mr. Henley and his daughters did some mountain climbing in California last summer, his oldest daughter, Jayne, age ten, being the youngest person to have climbed Mt. Whitney in one day. Slides were shown of pictures taken on their climb and Jane explained the scenes to the group.
Mr. Henley and Jane climbed Mt. Whitney with Mr. Henly's broth-in-law who resides in California and who had climbed the mountain the three previous summers. They were seven and one half hours going up and came down in five hours.
Mr. Henly said that the usual procedure is to make a two-day trip of it, necessitating carrying heavy packs for overnight camping and for food for two days. The Henlys carried only cameras and a few sandwiches, and being relatively unencumbered, were able to go up and back in one day. An eight year old boy has also made the climb, but he took the two days for it. Jayne is the youngest one day climber. Her presentation of the pictures was greatly enjoyed. Newspaper clipping: