Newspaper article:
Parkview Girl, 11, Holds Record in Climbing Highest U.S. Mountain   

Carteret -- although Jayne Ann Henly has been a resident of the borough for a year, it became known only the other day that she established a record for girls of her age when she climbed to the crest of Mt. Whitney, in California, the highest mountain in the United States.

Jayne Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L Henly, 91 Wortylko Street. She is eleven years old and a seventh grade pupil at the Columbus School here.

Her feat was accomplished somewhat more than a year ao while accompanied by her father and her uncle, Fred Stanley of Edwards, California.

Jayne Ann's father is a postal inspector with the Post Office in New York City. Her mother is the former Marguerite Howell. The Henlys also have another daughter Janice Louise, also a school pupil here. They come from Jacksonville, Illinois.

The 27-mile hike from Whitney Portal the the crest of Mt. Whitney, 14,500 feet above sea level in the Sierra Nevada range, was made in a total hiking time of 13 hours. One hour was spent at the top near John Muir's abandoned weather station for lunch and resting for the return trip.

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