Dayhiked to the summit on 9/29.

The dusting of snow from two weeks back is near completely gone. There were some icy pacthes by the cables and small spots on the top switchback before Trail Crest but spikes were absolutely excessive.

Water is flowing almost everywhere. The water IS flowing during the day at the 23rd Switchback, but it was frozen at dawn when I passed it (leaving TC as the last reliable water).

Was not shocked to see the laser-cut steel sign that was at the summit two years ago was still there— I was surprised that it is pretty bent out of shape atm. Who is throwing that thing around?

I was very happy to see a newer painted sign (a handheld one for folks to take photos with) with "Tumanguya" the Nüümü (Paiute) name for Whitney. Tumanguya, I believe, means "Old Man" which is a name for a guardian spirit. In my view it is an older, better name since Whitney was merely assigned to the peak as a political favor to Josiah Whitney, (the man who couldn't be more wrong about how Yosemite Valley was created).

Last edited by Snacking Bear; 11/19/24 03:46 PM.

@jjoshuagregory (Instagram) for mainly landscape and mountain pics