Originally Posted by recreation_gov
We (8) have the one-day permit for Mt Whitney, but unfortunately the leader isn't confident about attempting the hike. We don't have a backup leader.
Requesting help from the community on the following questions
1) Can we take the printout of the permit and have the (non accompanying) leader sign it and carry his original Drivers License?
2) What time earliest can we start the hike (to also potentially bypass the rangers). We are planning to start at 10pm the day before the permit so that we enter the 'whitney zone' by midnight (we have one day pass).
3) Where/when are rangers generally present? Is there a chance that we can bypass them completely? Alternatively, will they allow us with the original signed printed permit + original DL but no leader with us?


On 2): you'll be fine leaving 10pm the night before
On 3): I have been checked at Outpost Camp. The ranger was waiting around a curve and it was in an area where you couldn't easily circumvent. The easiest way to avoid getting checked would be doing the MR. I've been up the MR four times and never been checked.