Outpost camp seems highly likely unless I’m feeling good and on the first night however, I thought if I made good time and still feeling good by Outpost that maybe I could make Consultation Lake or Trail Camp, pitch my tent get some rest and try on Friday morning I can acclimate.

I’m open to suggestions as I’m still finalizing my itinerary since I reserved my permit yesterday.

Since I’m renting a car for this road trip its scheduled to be returned not Saturday morning that's why I was trying to head hone Friday night or early Saturday Morning.

I understand what you’re saying and I don’t take AMS lightly as I’ve experienced some when hiking San Jacinto Peak elev 10,834 and Alta Peak elev 11,207. Usually, I’d start to feel it on the hike down and the nausea passes.
Mt. Laguna area averages 5000-6000 feet so I hiked that area quite a bit. However, you can never predict how altitude will affect you so if it happens then I won’t push myself.

Any recommendations to help mitigate AMS...maybe Ibuprofen or Dramamine?

On both mountains you really start to feel it on the summit block or above the tree line it gets harder to breath combined with the steepness everything was in slow motion.

Lessons learned from this is eat more carbs and drink more water with Nuun electrolyte tabs.

That said... I’m packing more food probably dehydrated bag meals and snacks.

Like my first post the goal is to make it to Trail Camp Thats the minimum anything else is bonus depends on how I feel, weather etc...

Someone offered to lend me they’re crampons and ice axe and if that fails I can rent them close to the Lone Pine area. Worst case scenario if I can get those items I still have my own micro spikes. I’m not going to attempt anything that equipment can’t handle.

The other concern I have is reliable water sources past Lone Pine Lake are frozen mostly. I can carry 4.5 L with my camelbak and water bottle but I have a Sawyer filter with bags IIRC so 2L additional water.

Last edited by Mike70; 04/26/21 01:33 AM.