Captain Obvious here: I am still recovering a month later from my smoke, ash and AMS summiting of a 13700 foot Sierra peak near the "Camp Fire". Likely, smoke and ash do not mix well with the AMS proto-HAPE (lung altitude problems)." Just say NO to climbing in smoke and ash!

I bought a Nonin Bluetooth pulse oximeter ("Made in USA" because I am a sucker for USA made stuff) and I can't wait to try it at high altitude. Thank you Bob for the O2 percentages (if I go below those I will call in a rescue chopper (just kidding)). I will have to do some online research to try to get some data on O2 percentages at various altitudes. I did find a research paper that correlated subjects with low O2 levels having AMS problems.

Last edited by jaym; 10/07/20 08:24 PM.