I can second that they are still issuing permits. I called this morning, and after many attempts, was able to get through to the permit office. The person I talked to was super helpful and surprisingly didn't seem flustered by the flurry of calls I'm sure they're receiving. After a few regulations reminders, he emailed me my day permit for June 30th. He did confirm of course that as of right now Whitney Portal was closed, but couldn't say for how long.

On a related note, I just received an email from recreation.gov informing me (though I obviously already knew) that the Whitney Portal Campground is closed due to the earthquake, and that I could request a refund through the website. Interestingly though, they did not cancel my reservation, so I guess there is still hope. The roller coaster ride continues...

Correction: The recreation.gov email was for "The Whitney Portal Road and Whitney Area", not the campground specifically.

Last edited by retrofan; 06/25/20 03:57 PM. Reason: Correction