I was mistaken- I think she meant Pine Creek, as in Pine Creek Canyon. The same place where two people from Bishop got rescued last week. I may have heard Big Pine Creek because that's what I wanted to hear. But then again, it's probably a bit early for the Palisades. Especially with the last bit of snow. That'll take some time to settle down.

I did the Middle Palisade late last August when the snow bridge was almost completely melted out. It was fun. Definitely a no-fall zone though, but also 4th class like you said. I didn't have a problem with it but I could see how it would sketch someone out who wasn't expecting a potential 30 foot fall into a bergschrund. For what it's worth I got stuck behind a guided party at that point on the way down and the guide had his customers rappel off of it. I down-climbed it, but I saw where the guide was coming from. If I went up there with someone who wasn't a decent rock climber I would probably take a light, short rope and do the same thing. I think you'd need a 20m rope, if that.

Last edited by 123Zero; 05/19/20 07:44 PM.