Big Pine, I generally agree with what you're saying. I do take issue with the commonly cited idea of "we're taking precautions to protect elderly and vulnerable individuals." I hear and read it A LOT and it's just wrong. A 4 day old died of COVID a few days ago. Children are getting sick and some are dying. Previously healthy people in their 20's, 30's, and 40's are getting sick and dying. Many people who survive the illness say they've never been so sick in their lives. Those who do survive sometimes have organ damage that may be permanent. It is correct to say that the elderly and those with chronic health issues are at greater risk of more severe illness and death, but that doesn't mean younger healthy people are immune. And then there's the unseen risk of kids becoming asymptomatic carriers who can infect anyone they're around... And for those who say just let the virus do its thing, kill off the old and weak people, develop herd immunity... which friends and family members are you willing to sacrifice?
The hard part of all this is how to thread the needle in limiting disease spread while minimizing the impact on the economy and society. Hard decisions...
Last edited by SoCal Jim; 05/09/20 01:37 PM.