There's a quite good Facebook group -

And also an absolutely excellent book by Elizabeth Wenk - "John Muir Trail", Wilderness Press, at Amazon -

There's also this discussion group which is excellent and has loads of info in its files.

The Tuolumne meadows store has a post office where you can mail a resupply, and the store has a lot of backpacker food as well as some fresh produce and basic camping supplies. You can mail resupplies to Reds Meadow, VVR, and Muir Trail ranch. You can stay at VVR without booking but it can be hard to a cabin or tent cabin at Muir Trail ranch unless you book ahead. Muir Trail ranch has amazing hiker resupply buckets but there tiny store has no food. If you're not staying there, you can basically pick up your resupply, check out the resupply buckets and get water, that's literally it - and they close to hikers at 5pm. They do sell gas canisters for stoves.

Last edited by Barbara; 11/09/19 01:13 PM.