Originally Posted By: Steve C

What was the problem... someone else take your permit, or rangers putting wrong stuff on your permit, or ??
Both of these incidents were at the Mammoth Visitor Center. One time it was in the box, great. Next time they swore they put it in the box, so maybe it was stolen. It killed my morning monkeying around at the office and then taking a bus down to the trailhead. If it was in the box, I could've drove to the trailhead and been miles down the trail in the coolest part of the day.

The third time I called on my drive over to confirm, and sure enough, it still wasn't in the box. I said screw it, I talked to so and so, got an online reservation, I'll take my chances. So I don't know what happened that time, but I didn't like worrying about it on the trip. Now I simply avoid the Mammoth Visitor Center for permits.

The bear lecture, food storage, fire safety, and other regulations should be an online course. If you pass the test, you can print your permit at home with a pdf-signed document. You can get an annual fire permit that way, and it works fine. The permit office should be optional for people wanting more information, or person-person interaction, or needing to rent a bear canister. Its really frustrating to stand in line while the morning is flying by, waiting for a reserved permit while a desk Ranger plans someone's trip for them with all the various options to consider. That's what they should be doing, not being a road block for experienced hikers wanting an early start on a tight schedule. Rant over.