That is only for people getting a permit from Inyo N.F. to start their hike on an Inyo trailhead, but their trip extends across the crest into SeKi.
That's sort of like saying, "other than that, how was the play Mrs Lincoln?" LOL
How many people actually start on the SEKI west side or within Yosemite vs the zillions of people heading in from Inyo? Or maybe I'm just being SoCal centric vs considering all the Bay area/Central valley enthusiasts. But even with that said, the people I know from the Bay area also tend to drive around and start from Inyo/Toiyabe side.
Anyway you slice it, this is a major deal. If you have a 3-day weekend, but could actually get started the evening you drove in, that would make it in effect a 3.5 day weekend. Just thinking of the possibilities here.
For example, Shepherd (or the other bad boys) requires a 5am start if you want to do it in one day. Screwing around with a face-face permit - even first in line - means leaving too late (ie 9am - ask me how I know). Under the new system, you could hike up to around 8k (ie where it's cool enough to sleep) by 8-9pm. The next morning you could then skedaddle clear over the pass before 9am, in essence gaining an entire day.
Stoked if true.
PS Yes, the non-quota/large volume THs south of WZ are the new JMT/Whitney start points for those in-the-know.