Pardon for being off topic. I am looking for information on Grand Canyon R2R2R but can't find a good forum anywhere, time to come back my reliable Whitney forum

I am planning to a possible r2r2r hike in mid-late Oct (around week of 10/17 or 10/24), preferably one day hike. With one day, my main concern is if I bail out somehow, where is my bailout point and what is my backup plan? Hopeless to get a camping site at the bottom of the canyon (otherwise, I would carry my gears down to the bottom and leave them there). North rim has camping sites but I hate to carry all the gears up and down just for backup purpose. If I do carry them to north rim, I will probably make it a multiple day trip and spend a few days there, which is a not a bad option actually.
Any advice? Thanks!