Sad that another climber has been killed on the MR. Not the first and most likely not the last.

Everyone climbing mountains in snow and/or icing conditions needs to be well practiced in the use of ice axe and crampons. If someone is using rental equipment, that is always a sign to me, as a former mountain rescue troop, that they are not at all familiar with or practiced in the use of that equipment. It is far better and safer to get expert instruction, then buy your own gear, and practice, practice, practice. You can't learn the proper and safe techniques by watching it on YOUTUBE.

Even experts have been killed in conditions similar to the present state of the MR. A number of years ago a June Lake SAR team member was killed in a fall in the same area as the recent accident, and in similar circumstances: tired during the descent on steep snow and ice.

Unfortunately, Mt. Whitney is so popular, being one of the big "bucket list" items, that many people are trying to climb it without proper equipment and training. It keeps our local SAR teams busy, but we're not at all happy about that.

Several times in this forum people have been encouraged to rent ice axes and crampons without knowing anything of the presence or absence of the skills of other posters. Posters here need to stop that kind of advice: SHAME ON YOU.

Last edited by Bob West; 05/10/18 11:46 AM.