Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
Originally Posted By: dbd

What we have here is a bunch of knowledgeable, well intentioned people how aren't familiar with dealing on the web.

Dale B. Dalrymple

Really? We're all a bunch of newbie World Wide Web bumpkins. You picked a scrum with Bob and now you're insulting all of us.

I made my statement in the context of a discussion of people who are too trusting of Wikipedia. I can't imagine applying it to "all" here. That is the kind of complete misrepresentation of my position that you have made here before. However, if you think my statement does apply to you personally: "If the shoe fits, wear it." Then if you still feel insulted, remember that the fit was your choice, not mine.

Originally Posted By: SierraNevada
I've run thousands of plagiarism checks and I would never ding one of my engineering students over two sentences of basic historical fact, regardless of where it came from. The Dean would laugh me out of his office. Bob even did a little editing.

I'd be happy to ask your dean personally if it is the position of his institution that "a little editing" is the appropriate response to and resolution of cases of plagiarism discovered in her/his institution.

Dale B. Dalrymple