Some people just love to crank up the dynamic here: no response without escalation.
If someone meant to communicate that:
"we just don't care about copying 2 sentences stating historical fact on a hiking forum."
then the best thing to post after my last response to Bob would have been:
"We just don't care about copying 2 sentences stating historical fact on a hiking forum."
That would have led to a far different tone, but some people aren't satisfied by calm disagreement.
Instead we got the usual output of the SierraNevada drama engine:
1) Misrepresent
- pretend a remark about blind believers in Wiki is a remark about everyone on the site
- compare a post on a hiking web site to a student body/dean/school
2) Crank Up the Drama
- "We're all a bunch of newbie World Wide Web bumpkins."
- "The Dean would laugh me out of his office"
3) Fake Some Calming Reassurance
-"Chill out" "Nobody's out to get you"
-and in a ironic reversal: "And don't forget, this is a hiking forum, not a university."
It's as if someone were afraid that without his help our attention would wander from this hiking site to Jerry Springer or the news.
Dale B. Dalrymple