Originally Posted By: saltydog
Originally Posted By: DUG
Originally Posted By: saltydog
I am way past outrage on this. But I am still curious. Suppose one does get a citation for not carrying a wag-bag. Or not presenting one when asked. How does the ranger fill the ticket out? What provision are you charged with violating? What CFR section and what Forest Order? I have asked this any number of times and have never seen so much as an attempt at an answer.
BTW, I am not sure that the ranger conduct described above constitutes a search. Normally a search involves the LEO looking for evidence of a violation. This is more like demanding evidence of compliance.

How does the ranger even know who you are? I never carry ID, money or credit cards when hiking. You get me up over 12,000 feet, I might not even get my address correct............................................DUG

Your permit.

If you're not going to carry the WAG BAG, why even bother with the permit? smile....................................DUG