Yeah, it's just too far away for me (driving from the OC) - I was actually in Tahoe last weekend! From Echo Lake they said it was deep snow/ice/avalanche and people that came through PCT (clearly, old report) went around and lately only a handful of people are starting to bother. I am dying to do that route, though! Maybe September, it looks lovely (waterfalls out of control right now!). The snow from central to north Sierras is very irregular this year, heat wave included! I'd expect that in a week it would be much easier - really, Mammoth is the one to keep the eye on... their weather is likely close to the worst which means when they are good so where most all other places. So... Langley-area is likely where I'll still land, at least I know the trail so ice or detours won't be as 'scary' as a new place. Thank you!!!
Last edited by terraelise; 06/30/17 01:39 PM.