Unfortunately, when I discussed anything around Mammoth with rangers, and looking at reports, it's just a total mess: < 9000 feet is flooded, muddy, high streams and above is still a massive amount of snow. JMT might be ok, but the other two nearby (including PCT, they break there) would be just a disaster to bother with. Closing most of Rush Creek on Thursday was the last straw for plans in that area - it's too bad, even with mosquitoes, I really wanted to be closer to trees and not in ice AND do at least a partial loop - there is a TON of snow higher up in central Sierras. I'll end up at 10000ft in ice afterall - a tent instead of a hammock: warm clothes and ice axe and heavier pack. Sunny weather, though: hopefully less windy than usual. (-:

@terraelise anything (fb, ig, etc.)