500,000?! I bet I know some military folk who would love to practice doing demolition training for cheap. There may not be a road at all after, but there sure won't be any boulders smile

Does anyone have a map that shows where the winter season road closure gate generally is for reference? I understand not parking on the road and leaving enough room for emergency vehicles to pass etc, but if going past the gate is at your own risk anyway what is the purpose in citing people who go past it? I don't know quite where the slide is, but the large switchback

36°36'19.4"N 118°12'57.7"W
36.605403, -118.216037
Or most northern part of Whitney Portal Road

seemed to have a large enough flat area for parking if one had a deep-snow capable vehicle or snowmachine/snowmobile. During the construction it was a staging area for medium and heavy equipment. Just gotta hope another slide doesn't come down and take your vehicle with it.