Hi Bob,
I'm planning a trip up Whitney the last week in April. It sounds like my two options for getting to the portal are to park near Lone Pine Campground and hike the road, or take the Whitney National Recreation Trail.

I noticed the trail crosses Maysen Creek just prior to arriving at the Whitney Portal group campgrounds. Does anyone know if there is a bridge or reasonable crossing at that location? I'm worried about snow melt/ high water flow preventing us from crossing. I am trying to avoid hiking 3/4 up the trail to find we can't cross, even if it means hiking the road.

We will be arriving after work hours and I would imagine progress on the road will be pretty far along by then. So hiking the road may be OK by then, but I'm trying to get a feel for what my options will be.

Any info on the creek crossing would be very helpful.


Last edited by A. Wheeler; 02/22/17 07:54 AM.