I see Bob mentioned Silver Canyon, and some other good potential routes. Sorry for missing that.

"snow free" as far as looking at the White Mountains from Bishop today (I live in Bishop at this time). They look almost devoid of the white stuff right now. I'm not sure I can discern the actual road though, so I can definitely image snow persisting there if it's in a groove. I was up near White Mtn Peak a few days ago and the road was passable up to Patriarch Grove (11,200 ft I believe). I drive a 4x4 Tacoma... I don't have the experience (or desire) to take it on really rough jeep roads though. I plan to park near the bottom and proceed up on foot.

I will check out Silver Canyon Rd tomorrow and report back. Hoping the river crossings aren't too deep.

Last edited by fusial; 12/15/16 09:41 PM.