Hi Steve and others,
This site is very informative thanks to you and others, appreciate it.
I & my wife's cousin have permit for monday night.
Our plan was to drive up to portal tomorrow, camp overnight and start the hike
to trail camp on monday and attempt the summit on tuesday by starting at 4AM.
Checking the weather at
http://www.mountain-forecast.com/peaks/Mount-Whitney/forecasts/3500, it says that .5inch rain with thunderstorms for monday
PM at 11500ft elevation and 0.2" overnight. its 2.4" of snow forecast for monday
night and clear sunny skies in the tuesday AM.
- the two of us have no experience hiking in snow. I am assuming hiking in
snow is going to be very hard on tuesday?
- we haven't camped when it was raining with thunderstorm. so, I am guessing
trying to sleep at 12000' elevation is also going to be a problem with rain and
storm. is it possible to stay at that elevation with thunderstorm?
- what kind of gear would we need to hike in snow on tuesday? would we need
We are thinking of pretty much cancelling our permit as we think we have
no experience in this kind of weather. Comments?