My partner and I hiked the Mt. Whitney Trail as a day hike on Wednesday July 13th. I summited as planned and she went as far as Trail Camp; having planned to only go as far as Mirror Lake (she hadn't been able to get in enough training hikes). The beauty of the area and fantastic weather spurred her on with no pressure from me.

We headed out from Whitney Portal at 4:15 after parking right across from the trailhead. I was a bit worried about parking until I got into the lot because, as of that morning, no one had posted any reports on how the ramp up in road work started on the 11th had effected the parking. Parking was not a problem at all.

We stayed the night, or a portion of it, in Lone Pine and went up the road and later back down missing the construction both ways. Very easy.

Amazing day, my 60th birthday.