Please take another look at my post. The issue I was addressing isn't the jurisdiction over the crimes, but the multi jurisdictional nature of the proposed sentence. Pretty sure a court could not order that sentence. However, perhaps it could be achieved as part of a plea bargain. If the NPS was willing to play chaperone. Which I doubt.
I do think it is the most appropriate sentence for the crime, even if it probably has to remain in the realm of hypothesis.
AH, I see. I don't know a case in point, but what is the basis for the court not being able to order service in different locations? Not that it would be easy logistically, but I wonder why a court COULDN'T do it. Jail sentence, suspended, cleanup is a condition of probation.
NPS would not have to play chaperone, or at least incur any expense. She could wear a bracelet, and be required to to not only inform the Park super of her presence but apply for a special use permit, with appropriate fee, to do the removal. If the particular Park denies the permit, she has to pay the cost of removal. In the federal system, there are all kinds and levels of supervised and unsupervised probation that could accomplish this. Probably a lot cheaper for the taxpayers than hauling her around to each District and sentencing separately. Another alternative is to try her in the district where she left the most paint, make her remove that herself and pay for the rest. Some of the sites may be so sensitive that you wouldn't want someone with as little skill as she demonstrates ever touching it again.