I couldn't stop reading his epic descent. Riveting is an understatement. It's fascinating when people with so much life in them get to a point where they let go of it all. And then some little thing sparks them back up. The will to live dangling in the balance.

On a lighter note, has anyone ever seen the K2 film "Vertical Limit". It's got to be the cheeziest mountain climbing movie of all time. I survived the movie once in a theatre, and stumbled on it recently on cable, but I couldn't take it for more than 5 minutes as a rerun. I'm probably insulting someone out there who liked it, but it strikes me as a silly waste of electricity. The cinematography is great, and the beginning scene with the dad and kids climbing is pretty good, but it's just a good hook that quickly lets go and deteriorates into a crazy plot, bad acting, and laughable special effects.

Congrats to Alan. Amazing person. I'll be reading more of his blog. Thanks Bulldog and other for posting these links.

Last edited by SierraNevada; 09/10/14 06:59 AM.