
I think you are correct.

My map (drawn by imperfect memory and not on the trail) showed us going left as we approached the lake above SBL, known as lake 12,129, or in metric, lake 3697. I was WRONG.

When I look back at all the other pictures including ones not posted, I think we headed more or less straight up the drainage to the natural dam, so to speak, of 12,129. There was no difficulty anywhere along the route up to this point. Dan and I just eyeballed it and went forward. The only place we made a mistake was on the natural dam itself. We went to close to the shore trying to reach the east side of the lake. Instead ,we should have climbed higher and then dropped down to that shore. We ended up doing some boulder scrambling with a dropoff into the lake and boulders below. This can be avoided, I hope the picture already posted , number 5745, shows the area where Dan is heading toward those boulders .You can see the looser area ascending higher that we should have followed.

Above this 12,129 lake, there indeed was some zigzagging to the left first, and then back, as we approached the pass. I now think this was what I was thinking about.

None of this was difficult route finding. We had finished our previous day with a feeling of doubts, but awoke and accomplished the deed with a great spirit of adventure. There was by far our favorite day of the trip. You will have a great time. if you want some more pictures to help, you can reach my gmail at h dot lankford . Meanwhile, I will try to see if I can edit or re post a corrected map.


Last edited by Harvey Lankford; 08/30/14 01:29 PM.