and some duct tape wrapped around a pen.
I donated my mini roll of duct tape to a couple on Clouds Rest last weekend.
They were young and unprepared(I'd guess 18-20). The sole of the girls sneakers had completely separated from her shoe and as a result, they had spent a cold night up there. When we saw them they were trying to use some extra shoes laces to cobble something together.
...that reminds me, I better put another roll in my emergency kit. In the past I've wrapped duct tape around one of hiking poles.
I carry too much stuff, but here are the lists I work off of usually. I never carry everything on the list, I just like to have a list of things that I
might want to carry - lessens that chances of forgetting something.
Winter Day Hike Summer Day Hike (cold weather) (Cold)Summer Day Hike