I would take Harvey's advice to the bank, if I believed in banks. Tylenol PM is my go-to, but its the same sleep aid as Benadryl. I used to do melatonin when traveling long distances (it is a long clearing time for me) but did not think to try it on the trail last year. Aki's comment is interesting. I have not been diagnosed, but I have exerienced the same tent phenomenon and wonder if it could be a CO2 sensitivity or sleep apnia thing. Harvey?

From my experience, I am wondering if you are starting your Diamox too late. At the usual acclimation dose of 125 mg x 2/d, I think it takes longer to kick in and is usually more effective is started 2 days in advance of you arrival at altitude. Also, if you are not acclimating other than with the diamox, I would not be surprised to learn that nothing you do has helped that first couple of nights over 5000 ft.

Wherever you go, there you are.