The only traffic infraction I was ever able to get out of was when I was ticketed for making a U-turn in front of the school the first week of my daughter's Kindergarten. All the years, I had never noticed the No-U-Turn signs.
Made the turn, cop rolled up on his cycle. While writing the ticket, my 4-year-old is dancing around saying "Daddy, what's the matter?" In the process, she tripped and fell off the curb ...right into the mud.
Cop continues to write the ticket. I signed it, and then had to return home with little girl, find clean clothes, and take her back to school late.
I told that story to the judge with a smile on my face, and finished with, "Don't you think, just once in a while, that a warning would be sufficient?"
It worked.
Good luck, Frank. Your passenger isn't four, and she didn't fall into the mud.