I read a few books/trail guides before I did Whitney the first time (I also did a reconnaissance hike to Trail Camp). But truth is, the trip reports here and on the Whitney Portal Store site were the most helpful for visualizing, etc.

I know the recent SAR activity causes some concern. Generally, though, once the snow is gone, the trail is pretty easy to follow, at least assuming ideal conditions (sun, light, no extreme exhaustion, no incipient hypothermia or AMS, etc.) Your schedule is pretty good ... should provide you with some wiggle room to deal with any specific challenges you may face. You may find, for example, that you prefer to camp at Outpost Camp. I say this as someone who has several times chosen Trail Camp over Outpost Camp ... you just have to see how you feel at the time given the circumstances that you, personally, are experiencing (e.g., light, weather, fatigue, altitude, etc.). Outpost Camp is prettier, more sheltered, and can be easier for acclimatization, depending on how high you slept the 1-2 nights preceding, though it does leave you with a longer summit day ..... Wherever you camp, you'll want to give some thought to what you'll carry for the summit day hike to deal with the uncertainties of the weather.

Weather can be a big unknown. You'll want to check the forecasts up until you leave the TH. And make good decisions based on what you see, hear, etc., on the spot.