Originally Posted By: Steve C
DBD, it is revealing and refreshing that you support something other than the wag bag pack-out system.

Steve, if you think that my support is in anyway new or surprising you suffer a tremendous misunderstanding of the solar toilet threads. There are decent people who wish to support the solar toilet issue but can't because of the sleazy way you insist on presenting the issue.

As for your crude description of this process, I do not understand how bringing to light completely new and revealing information on how the current situation came about can be described as you have.
I think your description could use some moderation.

I selected my description carefully because it expresses the repugnance that decent people have for your -method- of presentation. My description may falls short of the bad feeling you are creating in would be supporters. I hope that that will make you reconsider your methods. Decent people don't abandon their manners and morals because you are excited about an issue even if it does get more web hits.

Seems more like a case of shooting the messenger here.

Exactly. It isn't about the message. We shooters agree with you on the issue. But the messenger who insists on pissing on the table should always be shot before the message is read. I'd like to think that that is what Lazarus Long would do. (Long is the character credited with: "Beware of strong drink, it can make you shoot at the tax collector and miss")

Now can we PLEASE move forward? ...

The only thing holding us back is your history of making messes on the table and the repugnance decent people feel about your behavior (not the information, not the issue). If you want to move ahead, what are you going to do to bring back the supporters you and SierraNevada have so actively acted to alienate?

Dale B. Dalrymple