Would you please copy the links into a new thread with a title about the contents of the links? They don't seem on topic to "Torching Whitney Toilets" and it will make it easier for people to search and find the positive posts in the future.
Two cents from a new visitor to the forums: I definitely agree an "Installing Solar Toilets at Whitney" thread would promote a more forward-looking and positive discussion. The current thread is as much (or more) about why the old toilets were removed, and assigning blame. While that's helpful and important context, it doesn't do anything to improve the current situation, but turns a lot of people off with its angry words.
As a possible near-term improvement, what about having a deposit of a few dollars on the WAG bags, refunded when you return them at the trailhead? It (mostly) worked to eliminate litter of bottles and cans in many parts of the US. If I could earn $10 or $20 by packing out a few WAG bags I found along the trail on my way back down to Whitney Portal, I'd probably do it.