Hey Steve....yes, there is always more to a story and this is no different.
The camera fell in the water on my return trip after reaching the JMT when I decided (or had to) return the way I came in.
So, the story is, on my first crossing, there was ice covering a pool next to the shore and then flowing water. The same on the other side.
I put on my running shoes and took my first step on the ice, breaking through, then the other foot. By the third step I entered the flowing water. It was cold and about 2 inches above the knee. I continued to walk and as you know, the water is usually deeper in the middle part.
As I mentioned, the trail crew removed a number of big rocks in the path across the stream, making it fairly level.
I know you have crossed Wright before so you know how dangerous it can be. To be honest, I wasn't sure, prior to reaching the creek whether I could cross it, safely. I was ready to turn back if the creek proved dangerous. Luckily, when I arrived, all the changes that the trail crew made really made me confident of the crossing.
When I exited the other side of the creek, I was exuberant, ecstatic...
Okay, now what happened to the camera. After reaching the JMT and deciding to turn around, I was, well, pissed, disappointed and angry.....so close. Only some 24 miles from the car (now I was looking at a distance of 45 or greater to reach the car) and, from my perspective, the best part of the section.
So descending....very angry. I started the analysis on what I need to do. Number of days to get back to the car, how much food, and other variables. In a nut shell, I at least need to make it back to the hot springs the same day which I estimated at 12 miles (I had already hiked 4.3 miles from Junction to the JMT. It was 11:40 am.
When I reached Wright crossing, I was still angry and pissed.
Just below where I first crossed, there was a series of rocks, a couple barely submerged and maybe one or two at the other end submerged. I really didn't want to take my boots off again and thought I could get away with the crossing.
Okay, just before I stepped out on the rock, in the water, I undid all my straps...... without thinking....still angry and pissed, I forgot that my camera was attached to my waist belt. As soon as I undid the belt I saw the camera slide off the belt and drop into the water. I tried to grab it as it floated, I missed it on my first attempt at retrieval, then, the current took the camera over some rocks and into a foaming pool of water slow. The camera floated for a few seconds and then went under, never to be seen again.
Well, then I realized, I was in water up to my knee....boots soaked.
I should have just removed my boots and put on my running shoes and repeated my first journey across. There would have been no problems. I acted without thinking and paid the price.
I walked the next 12 miles in soaked boots and socks.
An additional price paid, was more extensive blisters and all.
Well, Steve, I bared my soul.....