So, what's everyone reading right now?
Me, The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. About halfway though it - typical Faulkner, with intermittent streamofconsciousness, shifting POVs, and the occassional section exhibiting complete disregard for punctuation, capitalization, and other traditional grammatical niceties. So far, so good.
Prior to this, I finished Hemigway's The Sun Also Rises. Nice book, but literally half of it takes place at dozens of bars and restaurants throughout France and Spain.
I'm also working my way through Herzog's Annapurna (I generally have one fiction and one non-fiction book going concurrently, and sometimes a third of short stories - drives my wife crazy). The first-hand account of the semi-successful first ascent of the highest mountain yet climbed by man in 1950.
On deck, only slightly lighter fare: Tim Powers' new novel, Hide Me Among the Graves, the sequel to The Stress of Her Regard. The next-up non-fiction, a biography of Sir Richard Francis Burton.