Guilty as well, Tom. Read a ton of SF in my time. Even had a regular correspondence going for a couple of years with Asimov back in the mid-seventies (he always responded to fan mail, replying with typed postcards - still have about a dozen of those) .
I still read SF regularly, but I've branched out quite a bit in the past 15 years. So far in 2013 I've jumped around among Faulkner, Kafka, and Hemingway, while squeezing in some Connie Willis and Tim Powers. My bucket list includes someday being able to finish Finnegan's Wake without being completely lost. My other literary weakness is crime noir - Hammett, Mcdonald, and Chandler.
My 13 YO daughter asked me a couple of weeks ago to recommend "some of that old SF you've got" that she might like. This from a kid who blew through all the Harry Potter books by the time she was 10, and was invited to take the SAT earlier this year as part of Duke U's TIP program for gifted seventh-graders (she scored higher on reading and writing than 50-plus percent of college-bound high school seniors - at barely 13. My wife and I in for a wild ride the next few years). I pointed her towards Flowers for Algernon, which she loved, and graduated her to Ender's Game this week.