Wazzu....I wish I would have read this thread before today...I would have offered to drive us both down to A16 for this event last night.
I have watched two of the videos several times...I so want to be there with them. One of these days I will hike the JMT...maybe not all at once...maybe in parts on different dates.
Funny...I've been online shopping for a couple of weeks now for a xylophone....it was a pleasant surprise to see the guy playing the xylophone in these videos...I paused the video to get a good look at his...I found this 8-note xylophone online and will get it for a starter while I'm learning...in the video the tone quality is pretty good for an inexpensive instrument. Xylophones come in a wide range of prices and can get very expensive.
I am not super knowledgeable about the JMT.....I thought the trail through Little Yosemite Valley was part of the JMT. The campfire scene reminded me of the backpackers camp above Nevada Falls mainly because campfires are allowed there. I haven't hiked a lot lately but where I have hiked I generally see signs that no open fires are allowed. Are hikers allowed to have campfires along the JMT back country? That thought worries me because not all campers are efficient at dousing / putting out fires effectively.
Ha..ha....I just had to laugh at myself...what is there to learning the xylophone....especially when there are only 8-notes....my brother is learning the ukulele...maybe he and I can JAM together....should be fun...sure is a pleasant sounding instrument ...it compliments the wilderness well.