.I think the initial image is the river crossing near McClure Meadow. Anyone else recognize it?

Evolution Meadow at the old JMT crossing, looking downriver (west). Best place to cross at high water.

Terrific photography -- a bunch of images from Evolution Basin (they're also crossing just above Evolution Lake). Other fun places in Kings that I recognize.

Not sure where the gnarly, waist high crossing is. Bear Creek? Maybe the current JMT crossing below Evolution Meadow, but not sure. That year everything was high water. Glad they made that one without mishap. Waist deep in that current could go badly pretty easy... .

Gotta talk to them about the tents on meadows, though... .


None of the views expressed here in any way represent those of the unidentified agency that I work for or, often, reality. It's just me, fired up by coffee and powerful prose.