This article was published in the July 28th edition of the Ridgecrest Daily Independent:

"CLMRG assists in two rescues

China Lake Mountain Res­cue Group volunteers partic­ipated in two joint search­and- rescue operations with Inyo County Search and Res­cue in the past week.

According to a CLMRG press release, the first was July 19 when CLMRG re­sponded to the Mt. Whitney trail for 45-year-old Viven Tran, who had separated from her party while day climbing the 14,505-foot peak and failed to return to the trail head.

The team started up the trail at 1:30 a.m. July 20 and found the subject at the 12,000-foot elevation before sunrise. Tran reportedly had taken the wrong trail and de­scended incorrectly to the west. Once realizing her mis­take she turned around and ascended back to east. Al­though cold and tired, she was able to hike down on her own.

The team also responded to a request from Inyo County July 24 to assist in a search for another missing hiker, 31­year-old Thomas Heng of San Rafael. He was reportedly climbing the 14,042-foot Mt. Langley southwest of Lone Pine July 22, when he did not return. Teams from CLM­RG, Inyo, Sierra Madre, Mon­trose, San Dimas, Sequoia and Yosemite search and res­cues either hiked-in or were flown via Park Service helicop­ters to the subject's last known location near the summit to conduct the search. Heng's body was discovered July 25 near the 11,500-foot eleva­tion. SAR team members con­verged on the accident site, confirmed the victims identi­ty, and subsequently arranged a helicopter from Sequoia/Kings Canyon to pick up the victim using a 200-foot long line. The death, from an apparent fall, is still under investigation.

China Lake Mountain Res­cue Group is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization affili­ated with the Kern County Sheriff 's Office and a member of the Mountain Rescue Asso­ciation."