The following preferences for us are "organic":
String cheese wrapped in a flour tortilla (hey you can put salmon in it, too!)
Fresh blueberries (I like to put some in my water bottle)
Cranberry juice

The following are not organic but hey why the heck not!:
Payday or Bit-O-Honey bar (the BOH I kid you not works wonders!)
Seaweed-wrapped rice crackers (Asian persuasion me)
Cheese pizza slices (pepperoni...maybe...depends on # of WAG bags you want to use)
Clif shot blocks with caffeine (what a buzz at 14k!)

Disclaimer: What tastes good at lower elevations tends to taste "differently" at higher altitudes. I don't eat much on hikes. Drives my wife nuts cuz she has to EAT SOMETHING!

A Portal Pancake the next day after the big un, or
A double order of Portal Fries IMMEDIATELY following the hike provided we are finished before the store closes!

Another thing to note:
Many of the store clerks are outdoor enthuisasts, too. Next time you visit a Trader Joe's or Whole Foods ask for an "outdoorsy person" and ask them what they eat. You would be surprised.

I better stomach is grumbling...Ah, seaweed wrapped rice crackers coated with a "soy sauce" derivative. YUMMAY! grin

Have fun.

Journey well...