I am not what you would call a "good eater". Any sort of stress, chaos, time contraint, or physical discomfort steals my appetite....yeah, great combo for no endurance and a lousy hike.

Since Whoa Nelli Deli does not deliver on the mountain, I need to learn to eat the way everyone did on the group hikes: while I stood there frozen, realizing that there was no time to mix up my salmon, relish, mayo, onion, pita delight (like I do on the leisurely backpacking trips,) other hikers were shovling down cookies, quick breads, and other things that I have never eaten before. The others were fed, watered, and ready to go before I even got past the "to filter, or not to filter -- how shall I squander my brief restbit".

Please suggest to me what it is that you survive on during those 10 minute, hourly breaks!


The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.