Originally Posted By: Bulldog34
Steve & Bob, sorry that your summit plans got blown up, but it sounds like you still had an adventurous day. It was a great read, and it's always refreshing to know there are still plenty of Good Guys out on the trail willing to lend a hand. Kudos to Stephan also for persevering in a tough situation. Nice job, guys.

Well, my summit plans didn't get "blown up". With the incoming weather, I was happy that we turned around. Seeing the snow and feeling the cold, only at 7k elevation over on the west side....

it would have been awful on Whitney. And furthermore, it gave me an opportunity to have a different alpine experience. smile

My only issue now is that my quads are SO sore from hustling down to the Portal with the extra pack. I like to hurry at the end of a hike, and I am paying the price now!

I've posted a few pictures from the hike.