I am glad you posted something expressing sadness versus the judgemental "absolutely avoidable". Can we not express sadness first over a tragic dealth of multiple people instead of judgement over making a bad mistake?
At the end of the day, many of us die from something "absolutely avoidable", be it the things we have taken into our bodies over our lifetime, lifestyle, behavior, or G-d forbid, making an error in judgement such as this. I just had to throw this in as I have seen multiple examples, in other blogs over tragic deaths, of judgemental types throwing in their two cents without ever taking a moment to grieve in some manner for the lives lost.
Imagine people commenting over their own "absolutely avoidable" car accident that was a result of them texting while driving,and people wagging their finger at them instead of being sad. Oy.
Search engines as they are will direct everyone anywhere that the topic is active, so that the family & friends of the victims may be reading our forum.